Pacientul are urmatoarele obliga!ii: Pacientul are obligatia sa prezinte Ia interna re documentele ce ii atesta identitatea: cartea de identitate, bilet de trimitere de Ia medicul de familie/specialist si cardul de sanatate, a deverinta care sa ateste calitatea de asigurat/cupon de pensie. |
Patients have the following responsibilities:
Upon a dmission into the Hospital, patients are required to produce documents to confirm their identity: identification card, referral from the family physician/specialist and health insurance card, the certificate attesting the quality of the insured/pension cupon. |
Pacientul are responsabilitatea sa ofere informatii complete si corecte referitoare Ia starea sa de sanatate, antecedente medicale, spitalizari medicatia urmata anterior internarii si sa prezinte documente medicale recente relevante. | Patients are required to provide complete and accurate information regarding their health state, medical history, hospitalizations, pre-treatment medication, as well as to present the relevant recent medical papers. |
Pacientii sunt rugati sa respecte indicatiile terapeutice ale medicului sipersonalului medical pe perioada internarii si sa informeze personalui medical in momentul aparitiei oricarei modificari a starii de sanatate. | Patients are asked to follow the therapeutic indications provided by the doctor and the medical staff during their hospital stay and to promptly inform the medical staff about any changes in their state of health. |
Pacientii sa respecte indicatiile personalului medical/mediu cu privire Ia mobilizare atunci cand exista o patologie cu restrictii de mobilizare activa. | Patients shall comply with the medical environmental staff s instructions on mobilization when there are pathologies with active mobilization restrictions. |
Bolnavul internat in structura Spitalizare de zi sunt rugati sa anunte personalul medical daca parasesc clinica fara aprobarea medicului curant. | Patients admitted to the Day Hospitalization structrure are asked to inform the medical staff if they leave the clinic without the approval of the treating physician. |
Apartinatorii si pacientii internati in Spitalizarea de Zi sunt rugati sa respecte regulamentul de ordine interioara. | Admitted patients and next of kin to the Day Hospitalization structrure are required to comply with the Hospital internal regulations. |
Pe parcursul internarii este interzisa fotografierea si filmarea seqiei, pacientilor, apartinatorilor si cadrelor medicale,fara acordullor. | During hospitalization, it is prohibited to take photos or to film the ward, the patients, their next of kin and the medical staff, without their and head physicians’ consent. |
Pacientii si apartinatorii sunt rugati sa respecte personalui medical si de lngrijire, respectiv sa respecte curatenia,ordinea si lini tea. | Patients and next of kin shall be required to treat the medical and healthcare staff and the other patients with respect and to comply with hygiene, order and silence regulations. |
DREPTURILE PACIENTULUI In conformitate cu Legea nr.46 din 21 ianuarie 2003 |
In compliance with Act no. 46 of 21 January 2003 |
Pacientul are urmatoarele drepturi: Pacientul are dreptul de a fi informat cu privire Ia serviciile medicale disponibile, precum si Ia modul de a le utiliza. |
Patients shall enjoy the following rights:
Patients have the right to be informed about what medical services are available and how to use them. |
Pacientul are dreptul de a fi informat asupra identitatii si statutului profesional al furnizorilor de servicii de sanatate. | Patients have the right to be informed about the identity and professional status of the healthcare providers. |
Pacientul internat are dreptul de a fi informat asupra regulilor si obiceiurilor pe care trebuie sa le respecte pe durata Spitalizarii de Zi. | Inpatients have the right to be informed about the rules and customs they are required to follow during Day Hospitalization. |
Pacientul are dreptul de a fi informat asupra starii sale de sanatate,a interventiilor medicale propuse, a riscurilor potentiale ale fiecarei proceduri, a alternativelor existente Ia procedurile propuse, inclusiv asupra neefectuarii tratamentului si nerespectarii recomandarilor medicale, precum si cu privire Ia date despre diagnostic si prognostic. | Patients have the right to be informed about the state of their health, the proposed medical procedures, the potential risks of every procedure, the existing alternatives to the proposed procedures, including about the consequences of not going through with the treatment and of not following medical advice, as well as about their diagnosis and prognosis. |
lnformatiile se aduc Ia cuno tinta pacientului lntr- un limbaj respectuos, clar, cu minimalizarea terminologiei de specialitate; in cazul in care pacientul nu cunoa te limba romana, informatiile i se aduc Ia cuno tinta in limba materna ori limba pe care o cunoa te sau, dupa caz, se va cauta o alta forma de comunicare. | Patients have the right to receive information in a respectful, clear and accessible language, with minimum specialized medical terminology; where patients don’t know Romanian, such information will be presented to them in their mother tongue or in any other language they know or, as applicable, another form of communication will be sought. |
Pacientul are dreptul de a cere in mod expres a nu fie informat si de a alege o alta persoana care sa fie informata in locul sau. | Patients have the right to explicitly require not to be informed and to pick another person to be informed in their place. |
Pacientul are dreptul de a cere si de a obtine o alta opinie medicala. | Patients have the right to seek and receive another medical opinion. |
Pacientul are dreptul sa solicite si sa primeasca, Ia externare, un rezumat scris al investigatiilor, diagnosticului, tratamentului si recomandarile medicului curant. | Patients have the right to ask for and receive,upon discharge from Hospital, a written account of the investigations, diagnosis, treatment and medical care provided during their stay. |